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The Broken Crow Design policy

Our policy provides our clients with total control over the production process start to finish. The costs of each project includes creative hours and production hours as well as handeling and shipping of printed product. It includes also any artistic/design-drawn or digital and any  outside vendors, artists, or designers and printers we may use to produce your project. All Costs are dispersed many ways in this way so a full refund would be impossible. We provide the below to negate any mistakes-


We use a project by project modular system each part of the project is a charge in the project budget some can be removed, contested, substituted or modified. 


The client pays cost for a project the cost includes creative, digital and production processes. Each process is a seperate cost within your project budget.


Creative process is non refundable once you pay for an image to be created we create it and you tell us how to edite it to prepare it for the other stages.  


The digital product and process is non refundable and is not print produced until the client approves it at each stage through a proof image e-mailed 2-3 times to the client as we edite the image. But the files will allready have beed converted and created in prperation for the next stage


Once client has made the final approval for print and production we are not responsible for the image the client approved charges will stand.


If the client is not satisfied with the printed product that does not meet the specifications we offer a reprint only option using different machines of higher quality on a case by case basis at clients expense (client must pay new printing charges at 50% reduced rates with no extra charges for file handling/ production or shipping we split the difference).  


Any other options will have to be disscused personaly over the phone and will risult in a mailed response.

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